Journals & Conferences
International Journal of Interdisciplinary Scientific Research
IFIJISR- IISSN 2501-3386; ISSN-L 2393-137X| Frequency: 2 issues/year, with possible supplementary issues.
Abstracting & Indexing |ERIHPLUS; Ceeol; Philpapers; Ezb; WorldCat; CrossRef; Doi; Google Scholar;

Aims & Scope
Icon of Faith. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Scientific Research (IFIJISR) allows access to all readers and promotes scientific research into various fields. Icon of Faith journal was founded to publish high quality and original papers on Christian Religion. Icon of Faith is a Scientific, Peer-reviewed, Open Access journal, with the main aim to promote a high level of Christian Theology in an interdisciplinary and intercultural context.
IFIJISR lends expression to competent voices of Christian theologians from different countries and universities worldwide in order to promote an excellent scientific community interested in a dynamic tradition and culture, open for a constructive ecumenical dialogue.
IFIJSR, is a journal, published and promoted at international level by Ideas Forum International Academic and Scientific Association (IFIASA), with the Faculty of Orthodox Theology and Education Sciences, “Valahia” University, TârgoviÈ™te, Romania.
Icon of Faith Journal explores the vital interconnections between knowledge, ethics and faith, interdisciplinary evaluated. IFIJISR, includes topics like: Theology; Ethics and Faith; Science and Religion: Convergence to an Open Society; Christianity & Democracy Postmodernism’s trends, by affirming the transcendental values of christian faith, theology and spirituality.
How to submit the paper
The author should submit the paper via e-mail to the executive editor at:
The researchers are invited to submit original papers in English (papers published elsewhere or under consideration elsewhere shall not be submitted).
Manuscript Preparation Guidelines
The manuscripts submitted are evaluated for their scientific content, equally for all authors regardless of race, nationality, ethnic origin, language, religion, sex, sexual orientation, opinion, political affiliation. The authors(s) must follow the Manuscript Preparation Guidelines in preparing the manuscript before submission.
Review Policy
The IFIASA Journals & Proceedings follows a systematic review and publication policy. The IFIASA journals respects the legislation regarding the protection of personal data. (GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679). The editorial board Is commited to ensure the protection of personal data. Submitting articles implies the consent given by the authors to the publishers regarding the online publication of: name, first name, affiliation, institution address, e-mail address as well as in the conditions of review and publication (review; storage during the review process; archiving for an indefinite period for the accepted works, respectively for a week , in the case of a rejected work; the period is calculated from the date of decision transmission regarding the framing of the article)
The practice of peer review is to ensure that good paper is published. It is an objective process at the heart of good scholarly publishing and is carried out on all reputable scientific journals. Our referees therefore play a vital role in maintaining the high standards of IFIASA.
Special issues and/or conference proceedings may have different peer review procedures involving, for example, Guest Editors, conference organisers or scientific committees. Authors contributing to these projects may receive full details of the peer review process on request from the editorial office.
IFIASA Journals & Proceedings operates a double-blind peer review process.
To facilitate this process, authors are requested to ensure that all references to their own previously published work are impersonal.
Reviewers are selected by the editor in chief, after consultations with the members of the editorial board.
The editors will send authors a delivery receipt when manuscripts are received. Please note that the peer-review process might take, in some cases, 1 to 2 months. Authors will be notified of acceptance for publication as soon as reviewers answers are received.
Accepted articles are usually published in the forthcoming issue of the journal.
If the reviewers opinions are significantly divergent, a third reviewer will be asked to read the manuscript. Authors might be required to revise the manuscript according to the recommendations of the reviewers.
Revised manuscripts should be accompanied by a point-by-point reply to the recommendations of reviewers, specifying the changes made in the revised version or the reasons why authors decided to reject reviewers recommendation(s).
Copyright Information
IFIASA allows open access to articles to be published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License. This license ensures that authorship is properly and fully attributed to his author and that IFIASA is recognized as the original place of publication.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
If the evaluation on the article is positive, for publication in the IFIJISR, Authors will support this so:
AUTHOR FEES Publication Fee,
For Author 110 EURO Online / Print
These fees include those of the journal's production, online hosting and archiving.
No fee can be paid prior to the final positive decision of the reviewers and the editor in charge, regarding the article proposed to be evaluated in order to be published.
Plagiarism Policy
The editorial board is very strict regarding plagiarism. The IFIASA believes that taking the ideas and work of others without giving them credit is unfair and dishonest. The editorial board retains the absolute authority to reject the review process of a submitted manuscript if it is suspect at plagiarism or subject to plagiarism. All the authors are asked to avoid any conflict of interests, actual or potential, such as financial, personal or of other nature relations with persons or organizations that might unadequately influence the publishing of their papers.
Editors Policy
Based on the recensors’ recommendations, the editors decide whether an article is accepted for publication. The redactional committee will publish any correctopn, clarification, retreating and appologies which are neccesary for articles/rewies, so that the presented information to respect the truth and not to bring prejudice to the journal’s prestige. The editors can request modifications of content or format.