Journals & Conferences
Ideas Forum International Academic and Scientific Association

International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conferences on the
Dialogue between Sciences & Arts, Religion & Education
- MCDSARE 9th VIRTUAL Edition-
Theme of the Conference:
Scientific confluences and contradictions in the dialogue between Sciences & Arts, Religion & Education
in conjunction with
International Scientific Conference: Education, Quality & Sustainable Development - 7th Edition
26th-27th of November 2024
Virtual Sesion 21st of November 2024
DAY 1: 26th of November 2024
DAY 2: 27th of November 2024 | Workshops
The 9th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on the Dialogue between Sciences & Arts, Religion & Education
We would like to extend our warmest invitation to you to take part in the international conferences organized by IFIASA in 2024. The platform IFIASA has managed to unite the scientific researchers and professors in a discussion forum that we raised with the help of our partners to a very high standard, certificated by multiple indexations in the most popular databases and numerous requests for topics. The Conference proposes presentations in the social sciences and humanities fields, without a precise disciplinary border. The main topics covered by the researchers are: Philosophy, Sociology, Communication, Social Work, Theology, Anthropology, Applied Philosophy, Ethics, Applied Ethics, Bioethics, History, Religious Studies, Arts & Architecture, Psychology, Educational Sciences, Politics, European Studies, International Relations, Public & Private Law, Management, Marketing, Economy. All accepted articles are published in the Conference Proceedings MCDSARE - 9th Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on the Dialogue between Sciences & Arts, Religion & Education.
Publication | Following the days of the Conference, the results and ideas are published, upon peer-review, in MCDSARE Proceedings Volumes (ISSN, indexed in international databases). The volume will be published in English only, by IFIASA Publishing House.
For 2024 IFIASA, Conferences & Journals (virtual conference) gives you a great new opportunity to participate in the fully fledged, scientific and professional conference with or without your personal participation.
In this regard we invite you to stand by us in this new event: International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on the Dialogue between Sciences & Arts, Religion & Education
Theme of the Conference:
Scientific confluences and contradictions in the dialogue between Sciences & Arts, Religion & Education
9th MCDSARE, November 2024
Sessions 1-3 | TârgoviÈ™te, Romania
Dear participants, we encourage you to keep the down-mentioned deadlines for paper submissions and registration payments that will help for the smooth organization of events.
N.B. The IFIASA conference accepts original, previously unpublished works!
We thank you in advance for your kind support!
The author should submit the paper via e-mail to the executive editor at: ifiasa@yahoo.com or