Journals & Conferences
Pro Edu. International Journal of Educational Sciences
PEIJES- ISSN 2668-5817 online, ISSN 2668-5825 print | Frequency: 2 issues/year, with possible supplementary issues.
Abstracting & Indexing |ERIHPLUS; Philpapers; Ezb; WorldCat; CrossRef; Doi; Google Scholar;

Pro Edu. International Journal of Educational Sciences (PEIJES) allows access to all readers and promotes scientific research into educational sciences. This journal was founded to publish high-quality and original research, theoretical articles and communications in educational sciences.
Pro Edu. International Journal of Educational Sciences, is a journal published and promoted at international level by Ideas Forum International Academic and Scientific Association (IFIASA) in collaboration with members of the Teacher Training Department - D.P.P.D., “Valahia” University, TârgoviÈ™te, Romania.
PEIJES journal is committed to prompt review, and priority publication is given to manuscripts with novel or timely findings, and to manuscripts of unusual interests. The researchers are invited to submit original papers in English (papers published elsewhere or under consideration elsewhere shall not be submitted).
Our access Journal, through its accessible results of scientific research, contributes to an uninterrupted educational process in contemporary society. Whatever contribution from your side will immediately impact the quality of IFIJISR and will assure the continuity of our journal!
We thank you in advance for your kind support!
Editor PhD. Marian BUGIULESCU