Journals & Conferences

Pro Edu. International Journal of Educational Sciences
PEIJES- ISSN 2668-5817 online, ISSN 2668-5825 print | Frequency: 2 issues/year, with possible supplementary issues.
Abstracting & Indexing |ERIHPLUS; CEEOL; Philpapers; Ezb; WorldCat; CrossRef; Doi; Google Scholar;
Advisory Board:
Prof. Ph.D. Daniela ȘORCARU, Faculty of History Philosophy and Theology, University Dunarea de Jos Galati, ROMANIA,
Prof. Ph.D. Spyridon KAKOS, National Tehnical University of Athens (NTUA), University of Athens, GREECE,
Prof. Ph.D. Oana-Cecilia GHEORGHIU, Faculty of History Philosophy and Theology, University Dunarea de Jos Galati, ROMANIA,
Prof. Ph.D. Ana Maria Aurelia PETRESCU, Teacher Training Department Universitatea “Valahia”, TârgoviÈ™te, ROMANIA
Prof. Ph.D. Monica Iulia STANESCU, University of Physical Education and Sports, Bucharest, ROMANIA
Prof. Ph.D. Mariana DOGARU, Polytechnic University of Bucharest, ROMANIA
Prof. Ph.D. RAGHURAMAN. V, Research Scholar, National University, Bangalore, INDIA
Prof. Ph.D. Ionut VLADESCU, Danubius University-Galati, Pedagogical Department, ROMANIA
Editorial Board:
Prof. Ph.D. Antonella NUZZACI, Professor of Experimental Pedagogy Department of Human Studies – University of L’Aquila, ITALY
E-mail: antonella.nuzzaci@univaq.it
Prof. Ph.D., Encarnación Ruiz CALLEJON, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Granada, SPAIN
E-mail: ruizencarnacion@ugr.es
Prof. Ph.D. Spyridon KAKOS, PhD. National Tehnical University of Athens (NTUA), University of Athens, GREECE
E-mail: skakos@hotmail.com
Prof. Ph.D. XIONIS Nicolae, Faculty of Orthodox Theology, University of Athens, GREECE
E-mail: n-xionis@otenet.gr​
Prof. Ph.D. Bulent CAVAS, Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Education, Department of Science Education, Buca-Izmir, TURKEY
E-mail: bulentcavas@gmail.com
Prof. Ph.D. Claudia VLAICU, Faculty of Orthodox Theology and Education Sciences, “Valahia” University, ROMANIA,
E-mail: vlaicu.claudia@gmail.com
Prof. Ph.D. Gabriel GORGHIU, Teacher Training Department - D.P.P.D., Universitatea “Valahia”, TârgoviÈ™te, ROMANIA
E-mail: ggorghiu@gmail.com
Prof. Ph.D. Gerard WEBER, Bronx Community College of the City University of New York, USA
E-mail: Gerard.Weber@bcc.cuny.edu
Prof. Ph.D. Ioana STÄ‚NCESCU, Assoc. Teacher Training Department - D.P.P.D., “Valahia” University, TârgoviÈ™te, ROMANIA
E-mail: stancescu_ioana@yahoo.com
Prof. Ph.D. Elena AncuÈ›a SANTI, Teacher Training Department - D.P.P.D., Universitatea “Valahia”, TârgoviÈ™te, ROMANIA
E-mail: santi.anca@yahoo.ro
Prof. PhD. Marian BUGIULESCU, President of IFIASA, ROMANIA
E-mail: m_bugiulescu@yahoo.com