Journals & Conferences

Pro Edu. International Journal of Educational Sciences
PEIJES- ISSN 2668-5817 online, ISSN 2668-5825 print | Frequency: 2 issues/year, with possible supplementary issues.
Abstracting & Indexing |ERIHPLUS; CEEOL; Philpapers; Ezb; WorldCat; CrossRef; Doi; Google Scholar;
Aims and scope
Pro Edu. International Journal of Educational Sciences (PEIJES) allows access to all readers and promotes scientific research into educational sciences. This journal was founded to publish high-quality and original research, theoretical articles and communications in educational sciences.
Pro Edu. International Journal of Educational Sciences, is a journal published and promoted at the international level by Ideas Forum International Academic and Scientific Association (IFIASA) in collaboration with members of the Teacher Training Department - D.P.P.D., “Valahia” University, TârgoviÈ™te, Romania. Raising issues across interdisciplinary boundaries and facilitating the exchange of views, the PEIJES journal intends to serve as an ideal forum for educational scientists, especially those who share common interests in understanding various problems related to educational sciences and contemporary society.
The Journal is published two times a year in January and June.
The aim of the Pro Edu. International Journal of Educational Sciences is to publishes original research and theoretical articles in the field of educational sciences. The journal also publishes manuscripts that have implications to the principles of learning and teaching, the significance of quality education, the role of technology in education, application of psychological concepts to education, the importance of curriculum development and sociology of education, creative pedagogy, educational policy, educational management, and more alia.
PEIJES journal is committed to prompt review, and priority publication is given to manuscripts with novel or timely findings, and to manuscripts of unusual interests.
Journal information
Pro Edu. International Journal of Educational Sciences
ISSN 2668-5817 online
ISSN 2668-5825 print
©Published by IFIASA
Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement
Ideas Forum International Academic and Scientific Association is an independent academic publisher with an editorial team comprising many of the world's leading researchers. In the context of the current international framework, IFIASA Journals joins the effort in bringing together researchers and scientists from all over the globe, facilitating the professional development and encouraging dialogue, creativity and exchange of ideas.

Instructions for authors
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Peer Review Process
The practice of peer review is to ensure that good paper is published. It is an objective process at the heart of good scholarly publishing and is carried out on all reputable scientific journals. Our referees therefore play a vital role in maintaining the high standards of PEIJES Journal.