Journals & Conferences
Ideas Forum International Academic and Scientific Association
Journals & Conferences by IFIASA
IFIASA is a global academic publisher of books, journals, and open academic resources.
The 8th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on the Dialogue between Sciences & Arts, Religion & Education
We would like to extend our warmest invitation to you to take part in the international conferences organized of IFIASA in 2023. The platform IFIASA has managed to unite the scientific researchs and professors in a discussion forum that we raised with the help of our partners to a very high standard, certificate by the multiple indexations in the most popular databases and numerous requests for topics.
DATES & DEADLINES Dear participants, we encourage you to keep the down-mentioned deadlines for paper submissions and registration payments that will help for the smooth organization of events.​
The author should submit the paper via e-mail to the executive editor at: ifiasa@yahoo.com
International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conferences on the Dialogue between Sciences & Arts, Religion & Education
Since 2015, IFIASA International Conference has become one of the most important conference on social sciences and arts in Romania.
IFIASA organizes conferences, workshops, and publishes high quality academic international journals. The aim of MCDSARE is to create a debate conference concerning the great challenges which the contemporary society addresses to social sciences, theological, philosophical and education.The MCDSARE by IFIASA conferences is equally opened to researchers and professors, educational policies makers, strategists, scientists, university postgraduate and undergraduate engineering and students.
International Journal of Theology, Philosophyand Science
International Journal of Theology, Philosophy and Science (IJTPS) is an international journal, that accepts for publication reviewed original papers, dedicated to the area of theology and philosophy. The Journal is published two times a year in May and November. IJTPS is a scholarly double blind peer reviewed journal.
The International Journal of Theology, Philosophy and Science includes topics such as: philosophy, especially philosophy of religion, metaphysics, and philosophical ethics, systematic theology. IJTPS is devoted to the exploration of different ideas of Theology and Philosophy. IJTPS provides the opportunity to examine the altogether truth-claims found in theology, philosophy and sciences.
Icon of Faith. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Scientific Research (IFIJISR) allows access to all readers and promotes scientific research into various fields. This journal was founded to publish high quality and original papers on religion by scholars, regardless of their field of specialization. The journal Icoana Credintei is an Open Access Journal. Users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full text of articles. IFIJSR, is a journal, published and promoted at international level by Ideas Forum International Academic and Scientific Association (IFIASA), with the Faculty of Orthodox Theology and Education Sciences, “Valahia” University, TârgoviÈ™te, Romania.
Romanian Journal of Axiological Studies (RRSA) was born out of the desire to make available to the Romanian educational community the studies and scientific research published by IFIASA. The Romanian Journal of Axiological Studies publishes high-quality scientific studies written by researchers, regardless of their area of ​​specialization. The Romanian Journal of Axiological Studies is a open access journal. Users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full text of articles. The Romanian Journal of Axiological Studies (RRSA) publishes original articles from different fields: Anthropology, History & Philosophy of Science, Interdisciplinary research in the Humanities, Interdisciplinary research in the Social Sciences, Literature, Pedagogical & Educational Research, Philosophy, Religious Studies and Theology, Sociology.
Pro Edu. International Journal of Educational Sciences (PEIJES) allows access to all readers and promotes scientific research on educational sciences. This journal was founded to publish high-quality and original research, theoretical articles and communication in educational sciences. Education sciences include many topics, such as pedagogy, andragogy, curriculum, learning, and education policy, organization and leadership. Educational thought is informed by many disciplines, such as history, philosophy, sociology, and psychology. Pro Edu International Journal of Educational Sciences is a journal which is published and promoted at international level by Ideas Forum International Academic and Scientific Association (IFIASA) in collaboration with members of Teacher Training Department, Valahia University of Târgoviste.