Journals & Conferences
Revista Românească de Studii Axiologice
Romanian Journal of Axiological Studies
RRSA- ISSN 2668-7941 online; ISSN 2668-7933 print | Frequency: 1 issue/year, with possible supplementary issues.
Abstracting & Indexing |ERIHPLUS; Philpapers; Ezb; WorldCat; CrossRef; Doi; Google Scholar;

Romanian Journal of Axiological Studies (RRSA) was born out of the desire to make available to the Romanian educational community the studies and scientific research published by IFIASA. The Romanian Journal of Axiological Studies publishes high-quality scientific studies written by researchers, regardless of their area of ​​specialization. The Romanian Journal of Axiological Studies is a open access journal. Users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full text of articles. The Romanian Journal of Axiological Studies (RRSA) publishes original articles from different fields: Anthropology, History & Philosophy of Science, Interdisciplinary research in the Humanities, Interdisciplinary research in the Social Sciences, Literature, Pedagogical & Educational Research, Philosophy, Religious Studies and Theology, Sociology. RRSA, is a journal published and promoted at international level by Ideas Forum International Academic and Scientific Association (IFIASA), Romania. In line with the scope and majors objectives of IFIASA, which represents at national and international academic level an independent editor promoting science, belief and education, the Romanian Journal of Axiological Studies proposes to the Romanian educational community the publication of the most important inter-disciplinary studies, as well as some research scientific relevant for the dissemination of axiological values. Because of its accessible results of scientific research, our access Journal, contributes to an uninterrupted educational process in the contemporary society.
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